Friday, July 8, 2011

Gray Whales Likely Survived the Ice Ages by Changing Their Diets

I happened to chance upon this article, which really caught my attention. This article is titled "Grey Whales Likely Survived the Ice Ages by Changing Their Diets" This article is about talking about paleontologists, who are scientists who studies prehistoric life, including organisms' evolution and interactions with one another and with their environment, who are investigating the species of the grey whales. Grey whales are now a conserved species, protected by the government. The paleontologists, have studied the California grey whale species and have found out that their population was estimated to be two to four times more than the present. From this information, the scientists began to wonder how the grey whales survived the Ice Age in the past, where food would become more scarce. They hypothesized that grey whales in the past managed to adapt and utilized a larger variety of food sources. Not only do they feed on "suctioning seafloor sediment and filtering out worms and amphipods -- so called benthic organisms" but they also feed on "herring and krill as well" Through these research, the paleontologists, are beginning to admire the way how grey whales adapt to climate change so easily.

From this article, I've learnt that adaptation skills are very important for us, living things to survive. Different animals have different adaptation skills, for example, the grey whales are adapted to change their diet in times of climate change. Also, I've learnt that our human impact on the environment not only threatens our survival, but also largely threatens the animal kingdom's survival. Climate change would indeed bring a lot of harm to everyone, and if this continues, all of nature's beauty would be engulfed within the ocean.

In conclusion, I would like to illustrate the food chain of the grey whales, from the information in this article.

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